FORMAT: Square or Rectangle
COLORS: #800000 #DEE5E5 #070707 #FFC15E #00AFB5
If 2019, we’re doing something a little different. We’re doing a year-long monthly project theme: #robotfacezodiac.
Follow along with the hashtag #robotfacezodiac and keep tabs on our Instagram feed!
Photo in illustration by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash
Monthly 008: Farts
FORMAT: Anything!
COLORS: Anything!
Monthly 007: Daydream
FORMAT: Square
COLORS: #10120f #398cc9 #b9313b #59dfd4 #EAE6DC
Monthly 006: Heat
FORMAT: Square
COLORS: #660000 #f85a3e #f6ae2d #f8f4a6 #ffffff
Monthly 005: Truth
FORMAT: Square
COLORS: #9b4c71 #619de2 #2e6171 #fce300 #c6dea6